


Finding Your True Voice With Jess Meider

This is a 2 hour workshop designed for anyone interested in deepening their awareness of their vocal abilities. This workshop is not just for singers but also for anyone who does public speaking. Many times we speak from a place of tension, producing sound from the throat or the nose rather than from the core. Jess will lead you through centering exercises, breathwork, anatomy, resonation and listening skills so that you can vocalize from your pure true voice.

Jess Meider is one of China’s best jazz vocalists, and has been living in China for 20 years. Jess is also one of Yoga Yard’s beloved yoga teachers (2006-present). Through many years of practicing yoga, she has incorporated her yogic awareness into her singing techniques.

For more information about Jess, check out her website: www.jessmeider.com

关于Jess Meider:
Jess 从1997年开始练习瑜伽。在参加完2004年5月和2005年5月两次由瑜伽苑主办的Matthew Cohen的vinyasa教师培训后,她的个人练习得到了极大的提高。
自2004年秋天起,Jessica开始担任一些小型团体的vinyasa / hatha yoga私教课程的老师。|
Jessica 相信瑜伽是意识持续发展的过程。它将力量和灵活性带到人的思想、灵魂和肉体之中。她努力为学员营造一个安全的氛围,让大家能在这样一个氛围里培养有意识的呼吸,并用这种呼吸来引领其动作。
分享这个觉醒的过程是非常愉快的。当我们卸掉多年来一直依附在身体和情感上的不必要的负担时,一个轻盈可爱的"你”就这样重新显现出来了。"这对于生活中方方面面都是非常有帮助的。对于我来说,这主要体现在我的歌曲创作中……简单的爱是美丽的,  这可以从我的歌中听到” Jess笑着说。
Jess 同时也是一位歌手兼词曲作者,拥有一个属于自己的乐队---Junglecat.

About Jessica Meider:
Jess Meider teaches in hatha style (flow) with emphasis on breath. Considerate of her students, she creates theme-based classes (i.e. heart opening, breath, strength, etc.), which are enjoyed in both english and chinese language. Through self awareness & practice, retreats, clinics and teacher training, Jess's teaching style is honest and natural, and focuses on the student's development of awareness of his/her self.

Jess believes the breath is the most important key to practice. "The practice is the most convenient way to ground and relax. This relaxed state invites circulation, which is brought by the breath. When strength and flexibility see this natural, healthy flow in the body, they rush right in," says Jess, who is also a professional musician, "I apply this to my music, songwriting, performance - everything." Jess's new songwriter album has just been released www.myspace.com/jessmeider.

Her most influential yoga teachers include Matthew Cohen, Max Strom, Mimi Kuo and Robyn Wexler. Jess also studies tai ji and Daoist way of 5 elements. She has been teaching with the Yoga Yard since 2006.

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