
“平衡不是你能找到的东西。 这是你创造的东西。” —— 匿名


所幸,当失去平衡时,脉轮可以被清洁,加强和滋养。 从草药,种子和水果中提取的精油可以帮助我们实现这一目标。 作为一种自然疗法的工具,能够改善您的情绪,身体和精神健康,它们为我们提供了无数有针对性的方法来重新平衡脉轮。


Journey through the Chakras with Essential Oils

“Balance is not something you can find. It’s something you create.” -Anonymous

Chakra blockage or imbalances produce a wide range of ailments or disturbances in the body and mind, which can eventually result in chronic illness, fatigue, and negative patterns of emotions, thoughts and behaviours.

When out of balance, Chakras may be cleared, strengthened  and energized. Essential Oils, extracted from plants, seeds and fruits can aid us in achieving this. As a tool for natural healing and with the ability to improve your emotional, physical & spiritual well-being they offer us a myriad of targeted ways to rebalance the Chakras.

Together, we are going to explore deep harmony in the sutble body through targeted use of essential oils, asana practice, pranayama and meditation.



赵榕坤从十几岁开始在居住过的芬兰和瑞典练习瑜伽。 2011年,她成为了300小时瑜伽联盟认证的瑜伽老师,她受到过阿斯汤加,阿努萨拉,流瑜伽,气功,和普拉提的训练。近3年来,她的练习受到瑜伽苑每位老师的指导。 她感谢她的老师Robyn Wexler, Matthew Cohen, Sarah Powers, Donna Farhi,无论是他们亲身的指导还是他们书籍和DVD中的知识。除了瑜伽教学,她也是一名自由职业的记者和作者。 她认为瑜伽可以唤醒人的身体和心灵,而不仅仅是身体上的伸展和加强,在瑜伽我们创造的是和谐与寂静。 赵的课是风趣,好玩儿,让你出汗的流瑜伽风格。她用中英双语教课。

About ZhaoRongkun:

Zhao started to practice yoga when she was a teenager in Finland and Sweden. In 2011, she became a 300-hour Yoga Alliance-certified yoga teacher, she was trained with Ashtanga, Anusara, Vinyasa, Qi Gong, and Pilate. In recent 3 years, she is under the guidance of teachers in Yoga Yard. She is grateful to her teacher Robyn Wexler, Matthew Cohen, Sarah Powers, Donna Farhi either by their physical guidance or knowledge from books and DVDs. Apart from yoga teaching, she is also a freelance journalist and writer. She believes yoga can enlivens and awaken your body and mind, much more than just stretching and strengthening, what we are creating in yoga is harmony and stillness. Zhao's classes are playful, fun and sweaty Vinyasa in both English and Chinese.

November 24, 2018


450元 (11月17日前400元)
450rmb (Before November 17, 400rmb)

瑜伽苑/ Yoga Yard


If cancelling 30 days prior to the workshop, payment minus 10% of total workshop fee will be refunded. If cancelling 10 - 29 days prior to the workshop, 50% of total amount paid will be refunded. If cancelling made within 10 days prior to the workshop, no payment will be refunded.
Please register below. Payment must be received in full to confirm space.

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